Anointing Fire Catholic Ministries

Anointing Fire Catholic Ministry Bylaw



“ Thus says the Lord of hosts; glean thoroughly as wine the remnant of Israel; like a grape gatherer, pass your hand again over its branches ”(Jeremiah 6:9).

1. A gleaner is a person who makes his livelihood by gathering the remains after gleaning the harvest. Passionately he searches the branches again and again, because it is essential for sustaining his life. Similarly, we must earnestly gather all the remnant of Israel. We shouldn’t take it silly because it is essential for our salvation. “Service of and witness to the faith are necessary for salvation” (CCC 1815-16).“Thus says the Lord God, who gathers the outcasts of Israel: I will gather others to them besides those already gathered” (Isaiah 56: 8). Because God is eagerly waiting for the return of each soul “Or do you suppose that the scripture speaks to no purpose? Does the spirit that God caused to dwellin us desire envy’’? (James 4: 5).

During the time when Goliath insulted Israel, “David said to Saul Your servant used to keep sheep for his father, and whenever a lion or a bear came and took a lamb from the flock, I went after it and struck it down, rescuing the lamb from its mouth” (1Samuel 17: 34,35). This is accomplished in Jesus Christ. Hence Jesus said, “So it is not the will of yourFather in heaven that one of these little ones should be lost” (Matthew 18: 14). This is also why our Lord waited at the well to save the soul of the Samaritan woman (John4). Parable of the lost sheep, the lost coin and the Prodigal son indicates the same (Luke15). The four Gospels speak of the same mission that Christ entrusted at the great commission “And he said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the good newsto the whole creation” (Mark 16: 15). “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” (Matthew 28: 19). AFCM is a movement that earns for the salvation of the least and last soul on earth adapting the spirit of above verses.

Model and Inspiration

2. The Life of Christ and His Words are our prime model and inspiration. The life of His disciples and their teachings are our secondary source of inspiration. Apostles prayed under the leadership of our blessed mother are the role model of AFCM praying community. The early Christian community led by Holy Spirit is our guiding light for AFCM community life.


3. We are motivated by the faith and apostolic zeal of St. Peter and St. Paul and the martyrdom of St. Thomas our father of faith.


“For Christ and for the Church”

4. During the time of Gideon when the people of God fought against the enemies their slogan was “For the Lord and for Gideon!” (Judges 7: 18) i.e. For the Lord and His leadership. In the context of the new Israel, it is “For Christ and for the Church”. And the reply is help is from God (2 Maccabees 8:23b).

Patron Saints

5. Our Patron Saints are,

St. Dominic

He strengthened the Church which was battling schisms and heresy by preaching the Word of God and praying the Rosary and making people recite the Rosary. St. Dominic is our model as a defender of Catholic faith and the church.
Feast day - August 08

St. John of Cross

He is specially chosen by God for the renewal of Holy Catholic church. He is a true model of obedience, expiation, prayer and love of God.
Feast day - December 14

St. Teresa of Avila

At a period of crisis in the Church, she dedicated her life for the renewal of the church. She stood strong against severe crisis and misconceptions in the Church and died accomplishing the will of God.
Feast day -October 15

St. Francis Assisi

He is a Saint who lived and died, filled with the gifts of the Holy Spirit and enveloped with the Love of Christ. He is a model of obedience and humility, a Saint who completely abided by the word and rebuilt the Church.
Feast Day - October 4

St. Kuriakose Elias Chavara

Saint from Syro Malabar Church who stood firmly for the renewal of the church.
Feast day - January 03

St. George

A great saint among oriental churches and in Syro Malabar rite second to St. Thomas, our father of faith.
Feast day -April 23

AFCM Mission

6. And he said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the good news to the whole creation. (Mark 16:15), Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit (Matthew 28: 19, 20). God "desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth" that is, of Christ Jesus. Christ must be proclaimed to all nations and individuals, so that this revelation may reach to the ends of the earth(CCC the transmission of divine revelation 2/74).

7. To identify people with charisms and to form anointed communities and send them for the spiritual revival of Dioceses and Parishes.

8. Rebuild the Church using charisms. Bring the people back to Church and make them active in the Church using the gifts and charisms of the Holy Spirit such as the Gift of Vision, Gift of Healing, Gift of Miracle and Gift of Deliverance.

9. Strengthen the Pope, Church leaders, Clergy and Religious through mortification, expiation, and traditional intercessory prayers.

10. To strengthen the people of God in their faith in God through spirit – filled administration of sacraments with genuine faith, proper catechetical courses keeping fidelity to the church teachings and anointed preaching of word of God.

11. Gather anointed families and individuals who burn with the passion for Christ and train them through retreats, conventions, scriptures and teachings of the Catholic faith. To form these missionary disciples to missionary communities and send them as group of evangelists to work for the Kingdom of God.

12. Send missionary groups consisting of Clergy, religious and lay ministers to strengthen the Churches where the faith is weakened and the parish is perishing.

13. To defend effectively the Anti - Ecclesial movement through prayer and works of Voluntary groups.

14. To work hard to defend catholic faith and the catholic church on social media platforms with vast public co-operation.

15. To spread the faith in Christ through leaflets and all available medias such asTelevision, YouTube, Books, Social Media platforms etc.

16. Increase the deliverance prayersand deliveranceministry in the Catholic Church using Gift of Deliverance.

17. Send missionaries and missionary families to places where the word of God has not yet reached.

18. Form groups of people and individual who have been delivered through this ministry and send them to ethnic groups,different linguistic regions and countries for world evangelization.

19. To preach divine mercy and pray for the conversion of sinners.

20. For the sanctification of the world all AFCM members should keep themselves in a state of purity and proclaim Jesus as the only Saviour. Thus to prepare the church and whole world for His second coming.

21. Support the missionary groups for worldwideevangelization.

22. Take a stand for the Lord and the Church. Take a public stand for the Gospel and the Church, wherever possible based on the word of God defend the Church and the Leaders when they are attacked and insulted publicly.

23. Bring back the people who are away from the Parish community and Sacramental life.

24. Promote vocations to priesthood and religious life.

25. Strive for the revival of Parish community and purification of families.

26. Work hard for the salvation of children and youth.

27. Support the persecuted Churchworldwide.

28. Strengthen the Parish communities wherever it is needed.

AFCM Charism and Vision

29. The Charisms and Vision of AFCM are the following:

To work for the salvation of souls using the charisms of Holy Spirit.

To do the deliverance ministry with the power of the word of God and with the anointing of the Holy Spirit to deliver the people of God from the clutches of evil spirits and powers of darkness.

To work for the conversion of sinners and to strengthen the priests, religious and lay ministers through intercession, prayers, penance, mortifications and expiation.

To fulfil Christ’s mission of global evangelization, through the preaching of the Word of God and receiving sacraments with due preparation and self-purification.

To lead a lifeof praise and worship giving all glory and honour to God.

To lead a life filled with merciful love of God showing mercy to everybody, everywhere at all times.

To rebuild the Church, Body of Christ in union with the local hierarchs of each place.

To make a deep and thorough personal preparation and to prepare the Church and whole world for the second coming of Christ.

30. Reasons for the beginning of Anointing Fire Catholic Ministry (AFCM)

a). In the context of growing secularism and Anti - Catholic movements in European countries (which was famous for its Catholic faith once), Christian families and Catholic faithful abandon Catholic faith alarmingly and are turning toatheism. Youth and students are losing their faith by the influence of spirit of apostasy and are becoming indifferent to spiritual activities. Increasing number of broken families and perishing parishes are frightening.

Catholic institutions, sacraments, priesthood, holy books, bishops and Church as a whole are under attack of Anti - ecclesial movements, Satan worshipers and Islamic terrorist groups all over the world. The vocations to priesthood and religious life are at decrease.

Consecrated missionary communities are disappearing at a dangerous rate and it is terrifying. Churches and Convents are being sold off at a large scale. People of God and Catholicism are erased worldwide by fanatic islamists.

Christian families are in danger because couples are reluctant and indifferent to accept children.

Inter religious marriages lead to decline of Catholic families. Catholic Church is continuously attacked by communism, secularism, Satanism, freemasons, feminists etc.

Anarchy, disunity, quarrels, groupism, internal fights distorted and mutilated the growth of Catholic Church. Because of all these Christ the head of the Church and Holy Spirit the life of the Church and our heavenly father appeal to all of us. “Is it a time for you yourselves to live in your paneled houses, while this house lies in ruins” (Haggai 1:4). Christ is suffering seeing the spiritual decay and loss of faith in the faithful due to disunity, division and fights among various rites in the Catholic Church. It is out of this pain the Spirit of Lord inspired us to begin Anointing Fire Catholic Ministry.

The voice of the Lord heard through Prophet Isaiah is echoing even today. Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” (Isaiah 6:8). AFCM is a response to this divine call.

b). This ministry is intended to prepare lay ministers to work in places and areas where direct pastoral services are not possible and inaccessible.Example: Big job provider corporate companies like Infosys, Techno Park etc. and business firms. There are thousands of youngsters working there. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Mata Amritanandamayi, Emperor Emmanuel, different Pentecostal groups, atheists’ groups, volunteers of rationalistic groups are already working among them. There is a need for us to enter that area. In places like big university campuses, educational institutions and other spaces where students gather, anti-Catholic, anti-spiritual and anti-Christian ideologies are cunningly sowed. Bible is being degraded as a hate book and rejection of God has become the current trend. We have to work among them.

c). In the Gospel we see, the people standing idle in the marketplace were asked “Why were they idle the whole day?” they responded “No one hired us for any work”. AFCM ministry trains such people and sends them for evangelization.

d). We need ministers who are anointed and spirit filled with apostolic zeal. AFCM train and send missionaries and ministers to do spirit - filled and anointed services, centered on sacraments and catholic teachings.

Ecclesial Foundation of AFCM

Is this a parallel Church system? Is it based on the ecclesial foundations of the teachings of Catholic Church?

Answer. This is not a parallel church system; this is a community of AFCM missionaries united by inspiration of the Holy Spirit to love and strengthen the Catholic Church and all Christian faithful.

31. The Christian faithful are those who, since they have been incorporated in Christ through Baptism, have been constituted as the people of God; for this reason, since they have become sharers in Christ's priestly, prophetic, and royal office in their own manner, they are called to exercise the mission which God has entrusted to the Church to fulfil in the world, in accord with the condition proper to each one (CCC 871).

32. In virtue of their rebirth in Christ there exists among all the Christian faithful a true equality with regard to dignity and the activity whereby all cooperate in the building up of the Body of Christ in accord with each one's own condition and function (CCC 872).

33. Since, like all the faithful, lay Christians are entrusted by God with the apostolate by virtue of their Baptism and Confirmation, they have the right and duty, individually or grouped in associations, to work so that the divine message of salvation may be known and accepted by all men throughout the earth (CCC 900).

34. It is the duty of the laity to spread make known and accept the message of Salvation to people throughout the world (Vatican Council 2 Decree of the Apostolate of the Laity Ch1:3).

35. By nature, the call of a Christian is to Evangelize. In a living body there is no parts that are inactive, but all take part in its growth and life (Ephesians 4:16). The organic union in this body and the structure of the members are so compact that the member who fails to make his/her proper contribution to the development of the Church must be said to be useful neither to the Church nor to himself. In the Church there is a diversity of ministry but a oneness of mission. Christ conferred on the Apostles and their successors the duty of teaching, sanctifying, and ruling in His name and power. But the laity likewise share in the priestly, prophetic, and royal office of Christ and therefore have their own share in the mission of the whole people of God in the Church and in the world. They exercise the apostolate in fact by their activity directed to the evangelization and sanctification of men and to the penetrating and perfecting of the temporal order through the spirit of the Gospel. In this way, their temporal activity openly bears witness to Christ and promotes the salvation of men. Since the laity, in accordance with their state of life, live in the midst of the world and its concerns, they are called by God to exercise their apostolate in the world like leaven, with the ardor of the spirit of Christ (Vatican Council 2 Decree of the Apostolate of the Laity Ch1:2).

36. They should not limit their cooperation to the parochial or diocesan boundaries but strive to extend it to interparochial, interdiocesan, national, and international fields (Vatican Council 2 Decree of the Apostolate of the Laity Ch.3:10).

37. For in the Church there are many apostolic undertakings which are established by the free choice of the laity and regulated by their prudent judgment. The mission of the Church can be better accomplished in certain circumstances by undertakings of this kind, and therefore they are frequently praised or recommended by the hierarchy. No project, however, may claim the name "Catholic" unless it has obtained the consent of the lawful Church authority (Vatican Council 2 Decree of the Apostolate of the Laity Ch.5:24).

38. Finally, the hierarchy entrusts to the laity certain functions which are more closely connected with pastoral duties, such as the teaching of Christian doctrine, certain liturgical actions, and the care of souls. By virtue of this mission, the laity are fully subject to higher ecclesiastical control in the performance of this work (Vatican Council 2 Decree of the Apostolate of the Laity Ch.5:24).

39. Bishops, pastors of parishes, and other priests of both branches of the clergy should keep in mind that the right and duty to exercise this apostolate is common to all the faithful, both clergy and laity, and that the laity also have their own roles in building up the Church.(3) For this reason they should work fraternally with the laity in and for the Church and take special care of the lay persons in these apostolic works (Vatican Council 2 Decree of the Apostolate of the Laity Ch.5:25).

40. Deserving of special honour and commendation in the Church are those lay people, single or married, who devote themselves with professional experience, either permanently or temporarily, to the service of associations and their activities. There is a source of great joy for the Church in the fact that there is a daily increase in the number of lay persons who offer their personal service to apostolic associations and activities, either within the limits of their own nation or in the international field or especially in Catholic mission communities and in regions where the Church has only recently been implanted. The pastors of the Church should gladly and gratefully welcome these lay persons and make sure that the demands of justice, equity, and charity relative to their status be satisfied to the fullest extent, particularly as regards proper support for them and their families. They should also take care to provide for these lay people the necessary formation, spiritual consolation, and incentive (Vatican Council 2 Decree of the Apostolate of the Laity Ch.4:22).

41. The most holy council, then, earnestly entreats all the laity in the Lord to answer gladly, nobly, and promptly the more urgent invitation of Christ in this hour and the impulse of the Holy Spirit. Younger persons should feel that this call has been directed to them especially and they should respond to it eagerly and generously. Through this holy synod, the Lord renews His invitation to all the laity to come closer to Him every day, recognizing that what is His is also their own (Phil. 2:5), to associate themselves with Him in His saving mission. Once again He sends them into every town and place where He will come (Luke 10:1) so that they may show that they are co-workers in the various forms and modes of the one apostolate of the Church, which must be constantly adapted to the new needs of our times. Ever productive as they should be in the work of the Lord, they know that their labour in Him is not in vain (1 Cor. 15:58). (Vatican Council 2 Decree of the Apostolate of the Laity Ch.6:33).

AFCM Spirituality

Early Christian Community Life Style

42. The fundamental principles of early Christian communities such as Apostolic Teachings, Breaking of the bread, Prayer, Sharing are the basic lifestyle of AFCM community life.

Obedience to Church authorities

43. In the Universal Catholic Church, which is the union of individual churches, the AFCM members are fully obliged to obey the Holy Father and the church authorities. Other than the Pope, AFCM members are specially obliged to the head of the Syro Malabar Church and the respective Bishops of their own dioceses. The basic principle of an AFCM missionary is “Christ and His Church are one, not two”. Because of that, even if any Church authority falls due to human nature or due to specific circumstances, we are not to lose hope, but need to pray patiently to strengthen them. Our Lord does not allow gossip or accusation. If anyone is convinced that there has been a wrongdoing in the church, then let him do penanceand mortification for theirsanctification. We are also duty bound to speak to the Church authorities about the failures ensuring that the Holy Spirit can intervene. “Do not refrain from speaking at the right moment” (Proverbs 4:23).

Obedience and Mutual Respect

44. “Be Subject to one another out of reverence for Christ” (Ephesians 5:21). You are supposed to obey all laws and teachings that the Catholic Church provides from time to time. In addition, you are also supposed to obey the law of the land as long as they are not against the teachings of the Catholic Church. Every AFCM missionary should be a role model for respecting and loving the priests, sisters, authorities of the Holy Catholic Church and all its members.

Prayer Life

45. “So stay here in the city until you have been clothed with the power from on high” (Luke 24:49). In accordance with this call, apostles along with Mother Mary came together and prayed. They were then filled with the Holy Spirit. Every AFCM member should follow this model before starting their ministry, because we are not supposed to work by our self, but by the spirit within us. “For this I toil and struggle with all the energy that he powerfully inspires within me” (Colo 1:29). The power of the almighty must be able to manifest in us and through us, thereby, we being a consolation to all the grieving people around us. To manifest the power of the Lord we have to live in the world as if we are not part of it, spending many hours in prayer as Jesus spent hours in the presence of His father.

Bible Reading

46. “The words that I have spoken to you are spirit and life” (John 6:63). Whenever we hear the Word of God or preach the Word of God, we will be filled with the Holy Spirit and we will get Divine life. When Jesus taught scriptures to the apostles on the way to Emmaus, their hearts burnt as they were filled with the Holy Spirit (Luke 24:32) and “While Peter was still speaking, the Holy Spirit fell upon all who heard the word” (Acts 10:44). These events confirms this truth. In Ezekiel chapter 37, when the prophet preached the Word of God, the bones came to life and they were filled with the spirit. To fight against evil, we need to keep with us the sword which is Word of God (Ephesians 6:17). So every AFCM missionary has to find out enough time for reading and learning Word of God.

The Holy Qurbana (Holy Mass), Confession and Sacraments

47. Through Baptism and application of sacramental oil, the mission work we have taken, and the great responsibility of being the soldier of Christ, is getting strengthened through the Holy Spirit which is ignited though the Holy Eucharist which is the best and the highest source of Grace. AFCM community members must receive the body and blood of Jesus Christ and must become another Christ.Holy mass must be the source and summit of our Christian life. If the Grace of God is lost through any sin, it is essential for an AFCM member to repent and make his/her confession as early as possible. All AFCM members have to respect the dignity of marriage and have to aspire to get married in their youthful days according to Psalms 127:4, “Like arrows in the hand of a warriorare the sons of one’s youth.” AFCM members have to promote big families with more children according to Jeremiah 29:6, “Take wives and have sons and daughters; take wives for your sons, and give your daughters in marriage, that they may bear sons and daughters; multiply there, and do not decrease.” Deacons and priests who are members of AFCM are expected to involve in direct evangelization according to Matthew 28:19 – 20, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” Sisters who are members of AFCM must do awakening services by the blazing anointing of Holy Spirit in accordance with the Vows they have taken.

Family Life and Mission

48. AFCM members who are leading family life should balance family life and mission services as Holy Spirit leads them.

49. To the possible extend, AFCM missionaries should spend at least a day in a week with their family.

50. AFCM members who do media mission through Phone, Online platforms and Social Media platforms such as YouTube, Zoom, Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, Instagram etc. should schedule their time for mission ensuring that sufficient time is allocated for family.

51. AFCM missionaries and their family members should keep a very close and intimate relationship with their spiritual leadership of AFCM.

52. Missionaries while at home, should pray with their family members and have to bring them up in prayer life.

53. All AFCM members must be watchful to obey the Word of God in families as the way the Word of God is being obeyed in AFCM communities.

54. AFCM member should find time for promoting the physical, mental, and spiritual wellbeing and growth of children and family members by involving them in arts and sports

To Send Missionaries

55. “For when I preach the gospel, I cannot boast, since I am compelled to preach. Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel!” (1 Cor 9:16). This Word of God must disturb every AFCM member. AFCM members should strive to live, work and serve at places and people who have not known Jesus. To fulfil this mission, members should make effort to grow in spiritual gifts and in the power of the Word of God. AFCM members should try to strengthen the ministry of preaching and charity works by collecting resources through cash offerings, sacrificial savings and tithe. Regarding collection and use of funds for the ministry, members should take special care not to accept any offerings earned through unlawful means. (Liquor business, Bribery, Smuggling etc.)

Divine Office (Yama Prarthanakal/Liturgy of Hours)

56. Yama Prarthanakal/Liturgy of Hours are type of liturgical prayers offered in union with the Holy Catholic church for the need of the whole world and the whole church including the souls in Purgatory. It is also a thanksgiving prayer of the church for the blessings received. AFCM members are bound to offer these official prayers of the Church. Members should arrange the Yama Prarthanakal/Liturgy of Hours according to their status and vocation. Lay members should try to offer Yama Prarthanakal/Liturgy of Hours in the morning and in the evening. Members who are priests and deacons are obliged to offer Yama Prarthanakal/Liturgy of Hours according to their obligations.

Life of Sacrifice

57. “And Jesus returned in the power of the spirit, into Galilee” (Luke 4:14). Like Jesus, every AFCM member should be led by the spirit of fasting, penance and repentance. Our spirit should be very strong to win over the temptations of this world. “If by the Spirit you put to death the misdeeds of the body, you will live” (Rom 8:13). To mortify the worldly influences, Holy Spirit should be strengthened in us. John the Baptist grew strong in spirit in the desert (Luke 1:80). Jesus also grew strong in spirit in the desert (Luke 4: 1-14). Therefore, desert-like lifestyle (fasting & penance) and desert (intense solitary) prayers are part of the AFCM spirituality. AFCM members should observe sacrificial life by abstaining from non-vegetarian food like meat, fish etc. for all the fasts recommended by the church.Particularly, lent in preparation for the feast of the Resurrection and 25 days fasting in preparation for Christmas.

Devotion to Mother Mary

58. The foundation for AFCM’s devotion to Mother Mary is the spirit of apostles praying along with Mother Mary at the Upper Room of Sehion. AFCM members should try to intercede with Mother Mary in communion with the church and saints. Meditating and following the apostolate and life of Mary revealed through the Gospels, is a visible sign of True Marian Devotion. Praying Holy Rosary and other Marian devotional prayers are great help for spiritual growth. AFCM member should try to pray at least one complete Rosary a day. It is very good to undertake 33 days of Marian Consecration. We should not miss family prayers any day.

Daily Team Prayer using AFCM Prayer Book

59. This prayer method is very important for all the AFCM members across the world to pray in the same spirit and union. AFCM members should take special interest to make this team prayers every day.

Intercessory Prayers for the Church and the World

60. Each AFCM missionary is called to move the world and to enhance the work of the Holy Spirit in this world through intercessory prayers.

Other Spiritual Exercises

61. All members should give attention to do spiritual exercises in line with the liturgical calendar and for salvation of oneself and other souls. Couple of them are given below;

Way of the Cross
Divine Mercy Chaplet
Charity works
Night Vigil
Various fasting and lent observation
Chain rosary
Jericho prayer
13 hours adoration
40 hours adoration
Daniel fasting etc…

Spiritual Reading

62. “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us” (Hebrew 12:1). The saints have gone through similar situations as we are. Their sacrifices and efforts for the salvation of the souls are an encouragement for us. Books containing their instructions and biography is a good spiritual exercise for AFCM members to love God and to grow in faith. Hence, it is important that AFCM members must read such spiritual books.

Intercessory Prayers for PDM and ASJM

63. PDM, ASJM and AFCM are new initiatives of the Lord for the world evangelization. All these three should be guided in the same spirit. These three will join together in missionary workslike an army of God. We have the duty to remember them in prayers and strengthen them. AFCM missionaries should cover PDM and ASJM with prayers and support and vice versa.

10 Days Prayer in Preparation for the Feast of Pentecost

64. All AFCM missionaries should gather at a suitable placefor 10 days to attend anointing fire retreat prior to the feast of Pentecost. Jesus exhorts: “Remain in the city until you have been clothed with power from on high” (Luke 24:49, Acts 1:4). Our inspiration is the model of apostles who prayed along with Mother Mary waiting in the upper room of Sehion for the fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit. With the anointing of the Holy Spirit at the end of this retreat, AFCM members are sent to different parts of the world for the apostolate.

Sincerity and Transparency

65. AFCM members should grow in the strong conviction that God sees and knows everything. Open-mindedness is key to AFCM spirituality. AFCM members should be open to their superiors. They should share with the spiritual father all their skills, failures, desires, greed, sins, virtues etc. This will help AFCM members and authorities to take appropriate action at correct time according to the will of God that will reduce tensions and provide inner healings.

Sunday Observance

66. AFCM members should never fail to observe Sunday Sabbath. One day in a week should strictly kept for rest and prayers. Members who conduct ministry on Sunday, should observe Monday or any other day as Sabbath. On that day members should do their confession and have to spend time before Blessed Sacrament. Apostolate should be for only six days in a week. Our ministry, ministers, vehicles and people should be active for 6 days and take rest on 7th day to observe Sabbath.


67. Giving tithe is considered as one of the foundations of our spiritual life. We should be happy to give tithe as in Sirach 35: 8-12, “The offering of the righteous enriches the altar, and its pleasing odour rises before the Most High.The sacrifice of the righteous is acceptable,and it will never be forgotten.Be generous when you worship the Lord, and do not stint the first fruits of your hands. With every gift show a cheerful face,and dedicate your tithe with gladness.Give to the Most High as he has given to you,and as generously as you can afford.” If you earn 100, keep 10 aside and spend 90.


68. Lifestyle of all AFCM members should be founded on humility and simplicity.


69. Each AFCM member should give at most care for purity in life.

AFCM Missionaries - Apostles of Love

70. Spirituality of AFCM Communities and AFCM members will be measured based on love. “On the day of Judgement, we shall be judged on our love” (St. John of the Cross, Dichos 64).

Missionary Activities of AFCM

Through living an exemplary Family Life

71. Family is the prime and the fundamental factor of the holy Catholic Church. Family is a domestic church. Each Christian family contains the universal, apostolic and unique characteristics of the holy Catholic Church. Each AFCM member must be a personleading an exemplary family life. An AFCM member should burn with apostolic zeal by following the basic principles of early Christian lifestyle which are apostolic preaching, prayer, breakingof the bread and sharing. AFCM members should be role models in solving the matters of family issues. They should face obstacles and manage all crisis in the light of faith. In AFCM Families there should be discussions and ongoing formation regarding the apostolic preaching, especially Word of God, teachings of the holy Catholic Church, writings of the church fathers and life of saints. Family prayers especially morning and evening prayers should be organized.

Every AFCM member must be a practicing Christian, attending Holy Mass and family prayers. They have to practice sharing wealth, time and love in their families.Thus family becomes the basic platform for living the real early Christian spirituality.

Missionary Works in Parish/Diocese

72. An AFCM member should make the Parish/Diocese active by being there as a leaven deposit.

Certain Responsibilities are added below:

a). To stand firm as a shield for the Bishops and parish priests in their hardships.

b). Strengthen the priests through prayers.

c). To make parish active and vibrant through social interaction.

d). Defend the Catholic faith and church authorities through media.

e). Defend Bishops and Clergy in times of adversities.

f). Do prayers and adorations for the priests who are undergoing hardships in their parishes and pastoral ministry.

g). Work hard to promote vocations in parishes and dioceses.

h). Make visits to priests who are retired from parish activities residing in priest homes.

i). Provide firm support as a fort for the bishops in their pastoral ministry.

j). Strengthen the parishes and diocesesin all possible ways.

Missionary Activities through AFCM communities

73. The prime characteristic of an AFCM member is evangelization, strengthened and nourished by their genuine AFCM community life.

a). Once in a week (In community) Once in a week, AFCM members should gather as a community and must pray at least three or four hours. "Not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another and all the more as you see the Day approaching" (Heb 10:25)

b). Once in a month

AFCM Communities should gather together once in a month and spend a full day prayerfully celebrating fellowship and love of God.

Missionary Activities in Employment Sector

74. God blessed the employment of humans as a penance by stating "By the sweat of your face you shall eat bread". For that reason, every employment should be sacred and gentle. AFCM members are not permitted to do occupations which are immoral, impure and misbegotten related to income. Every AFCM member should strive for actively witnessing the Kingdom of God in ones occupation by being salt and light of the world. Every AFCM member should consider their area of employment as a mission platform by working hard and being in the spirit of gospel. Every AFCM member should give up the attitude of a merelabourand has to keep an attitude of a shepherd by working hard for the salvation of souls. All AFCM members have to give tithe according to their income.

Missionary Activities to the Ends of the Earth

75. AFCM members must show interest in outreach missions. Jesus proclaimed: "I must preach the good news of the Kingdom of God to the other towns as well; for I was sent for this purpose". He/she is obliged to go to the ends of the earth for evangelization.

Missionary Activities through Media

76. Missionaries of AFCM are called in a special way for the mission through media.

Mission through Intercession (Different forms of Intercessory prayers)

77. Whoever can pray by fasting must do so.

78. An AFCM member can do intercessory prayers for the salvation of souls by wearing sack, wearing rough clothes, suffering the pain on body (by whipping), by doing way of the cross, leading simple life, practicing lent and by acceptingunexpected sufferings joyfully.

79. Grow in intercessory prayer by doing pilgrimages 40 days fasting prayer, Jericho prayer, night vigil, and Daniel fasting prayer (Mark 9:29).

80. All AFCM missionaries must pray for the souls in purgatory.

81. Every AFCM member should make an effort to grow in prayer life by attending 40 hour adoration, 13 hour adoration and chain rosary prayers.

Membership - Conditions and Regulations

82. Every AFCM member should follow the teachings and instructions given by Pope and Bishop’s Synod of the Catholic Church. All AFCM members are subject to the magisterium of the Catholic Church.

83. The canon law of the Catholic Church will be binding to all AFCM members.

84. Only those who accept and make themselves subject to the AFCM bylaw guidelines will be eligible for AFCM membership.

85. AFCM do not offer any financial remuneration or support to any of its members. Everyone is expected to do evangelization by their own expense. This is not a company or business firm, but a fellowship of those who do voluntary service for the Kingdom of God. But AFCM communities are free to appoint staff and ministers with allowance and payments on their own responsibility.

86. If anyone found guilty with regard to child abuse, rape and major personality disorders like homosexuality and sexual anarchy will be considered seriously and his/her membership will be dismissed by the AFCM global director or his delegates. On such cases AFCM keeps zero tolerance policy. If the accused is innocent and he/she proves the same, he/she can be reinstalled in AFCM ministry.

87. Only those who have genuine conversion are supposed to be part of AFCM. E.g. Drug use, Atheism, Satan worship, Alcoholism, Heresies and so on.

AFCM – Administrative Structure

We aim each AFCM Minister to be an AFCM Missionary and each AFCM Ministry to be AFCM Community.

Patron Bishop

88. AFCM communities in different diocese may approach their respective bishop to fulfil this need.


89. PDM Superior General (President of the confederation of PDM) will be the AFCM Global Director. He also has to the power to appoint any PDM priest as the AFCM Global Director. AFCM Global Director has the authority to intervene in any AFCM Community affairs, under any circumstances. The decisions taken by AFCM Global Director shall be final. Fr. Xavier Khan Vattayil PDM is the Founder Director of AFCM. Fr. SojiOlikkal, Fr. BinoyKarimaruthinkal PDM, Fr. RenyPullukalayil are serving as co-founders. AFCM Global Director and Superior of PDM has to select, train and install the successive Director. Superior of PDM (President of the confederation of PDM) has the authority to appoint and remove AFCM Global Director. Decisions taken by Superior of PDM (President of the confederation of PDM) shall be final in this regard.

Spiritual Advisor

90. AFCM Global Director can appoint a Priest who upholds AFCM core values, as a spiritual advisor for each country.

Spiritual advisors cannot involve in any administrative affairs of AFCM Ministry in any country.

AFCM International Co- Ordinator

91. AFCM International Co-Ordinator is appointed by Superior General of PDM (President of the confederation of PDM) in consultation with AFCM Global Director. National Co-Ordinators and global core team may propose two or three candidates and PDM Superior General appoints the new international Co-Ordinator.

The service term of AFCM International Co-Ordinator will be 2 years.

AFCM Global Director has the authority to extend the service period of AFCM International Co-Ordinator to two more terms.

The primary responsibility of AFCM International Co-Ordinator is to help and support AFCM Global Director in his duties and responsibilities.

Other duties and responsibilities of AFCM International Co-Ordinator are,

92. To Co-Ordinate with all AFCM National Co- Ordinators to carry out their responsibilities.

93. To organise and schedule meetings of AFCM Central team & AFCM Global council from time to time.

94. To facilitate National Co-Ordinators to conduct National core team meetings.

95. To liaise (cooperate on a matter of mutual concern) with National Co-Ordinators in order to ensure proper functioning of AFCM Trusts, If any, in each country.

96. To facilitate National core teams in solving problems in any AFCM communities, with the permission of AFCM Global Director.

97. To supervise the responsibilities of AFCM facilitators who are responsible for countries which hasn’t got a National Co-Ordinator.

98. To organise International team retreat for AFCM Community members annually.

99. To help AFCM National Co- Ordinators to organise National team retreats for AFCM community members.

100. To supervise AFCM Global media team in the maintenance and updation of AFCM Global Website and social media platforms like Facebook, YouTubeand Twitter etc...

101. To foster and develop AFCM International Assistant Co- Ordinator in all International ministry affairs.

102. To plan and organise ten days Pentecost preparatory retreat every year.

103. To plan and organise AFCM Constitutional retreat for AFCM members annually with the help of AFCM resource team.

104. AFCM International Co- Ordinator must obtain prior permission from AFCM Global Director before taking any decisions related to AFCM ministry.

AFCM International Assistant Co-Ordinator

105. The procedure to select Assistant International Co-Ordinator is the same as the procedure for selection of International Co-Ordinator.

The service period of AFCM International Assistant Co-Ordinator will be two years. AFCM Global Director can extend his/her service repeatedly without any limitation

Major duties and responsibilities of AFCM International Assistant Co- Ordinator are,

106. To facilitate AFCM International Co-Ordinator in his/her duties and responsibilities.

107. To attend all Ministerial meetings along with AFCM International Co-Ordinator.

AFCM Global Core Team

108. AFCM Global core team comprises of AFCM Global Director, International Co- Ordinator, International Assistant Co- Ordinator.

National Co- Ordinator

109. After discussion with National core team, AFCM Global Director may appoint National Co-Ordinator in consultation with Global core team.

The service period of AFCM National Co- Ordinator will be 2 years.

Primary responsibility of AFCM National Co- Ordinator is to help and support AFCM community leaders in their duties and responsibilities.

Other Duties and responsibilities of AFCM National Co- Ordinators are,

110. To implement decisions of AFCM global director from time to time.

111. To help AFCM central office to meet the financial needs of the ministry.

112. To establish new AFCM Communities and to foster development of new and existing communities.

113. To provide guidance and support for AFCM Assistant National Co- Ordinators to carry out ministerial functions.

114. To Prepare communities to stand for faith and for the church.

115. To work hard for the salvation of the souls and for the conversion of sinners through AFCM communities.

116. To organise teaching and training session for community members to carry out missionary functions based on charisms of AFCM communities.

117. To organise Intercession for the church through AFCM communities.

118. To organise teaching and training sessions in communities regarding Christian values like Sacramental life, Sunday celebration, Family prayer, Lent, Word of God, Official teachings of Catholic Church, Families with more children and so on.

119. To oversee the function and activities of AFCM Trusts in each country.

120. To comply with all Legal strategies in relation to Ministerial activities in each country. (Refer Legal strategies section for further details.)

121. Maintain good communication and relationship with Bishops and Local Church.

122. To update community information to AFCM global director.

123. To work hard along with AFCM community leaders for the success of general conventions and retreats, Annual retreat for AFCM Communities, 13 hours Adoration, Abhishekagni Conventions etc…

124. To maintain and update AFCM National Website and national social media platforms from time to time.

125. To Maintain Good communication and relation with AFCM Global Director, International Co- Ordinator, and International Assistant Co- Ordinator.

126. To address and resolve any issues within the ministry and to report the same to AFCM Global core team.

127. To oversee all ministerial activities in each country and to maintain effective relationship with all AFCM ministry leaders and ministers.

AFCM National Assistant Co-Ordinator

128. The procedure for selection of National Assistant Co-Ordinator is the same as that of AFCM National Co-Ordinator. The service period of AFCM Assistant National Co- Ordinator will be 1 year and AFCM Global Director can extend his/her service period for more terms.

Main duties and responsibilities are,

129. To facilitate AFCM National Co- Ordinator in his/her duties and responsibilities.

130. To attend all ministerial meetings along with National Co- Ordinator.

131. To attend ministerial meetings to represent national Co-Ordinator in his/her absence.

AFCM National Core Team

132. Its members are,

• National Co- Ordinator
• National Assistant Co- Ordinator
• Representatives of AFCM Missionary movements
• Two representatives of Community Leaders. Nominated by AFCM Global Director.

AFCM Global Director, International Co- Ordinator and International Assistant Co- Ordinator are part of AFCM National core team.

All decisions taken by AFCM National core team must be informed to the AFCM Global Director. Any Decisions taken against the core values of AFCM ministry can be reviewed, modified, or even can be cancelled by Global Director.

Community Leaders

133. All AFCM Communities are evolved naturally. An AFCM community Leader is not selected by any authority or by any process of selection, but by vocation.

Duties and responsibilities of AFCM Community Leaders Are,

134. To maintain a very strong and healthy relationship with the National Co-Ordinator and to strictly adhere to all decisions taken by National Co-Ordinator.

135. To establish and maintain a strong spiritual union between community members, AFCM Global Director, International Co- Ordinator and National Co-Ordinator.

136. To establish openness and spiritual communion with National core team and AFCM global core team.

137. To ensure active participation of the whole community in ministries organised by National core team and AFCM global core team and to refrain from organising any event / programmes on those days.

138. To conduct / organise teaching and training programmes for the spiritual development of community members.

139. To maintain community register of community members.

140. To resolve any issue within the community or among community members and to report the same to National Co-Ordinator and Core team.

141. To inform and obtain prior written permission from central office before buying any properties and assets for the community.

142. To obtain written permission from AFCM central office before initialising any legal registration for the community like Charitable trust formation, company formation, society registration, opening bank accounts etc.

143. To forward copies of all applications submitted to the AFCM central office, if any, to the National Co- Ordinator.

144. AFCM ministries generally doesn’t encourage buying any properties or assets in the name of AFCM communities and AFCM trusts.

145. Any decision related to temporary suspension or permanent dismissal of a community member shall be done only with the majority decision of AFCM National core team.

146. A Community Leader may voluntarily quit his/her position as a Leader if he/she face any allegations or gross misconduct ie, Abuse, teaching or actions against official teachings of church etc.

147. National Co- Ordinator can initiate disciplinary action against a community leader in the event of any action against the core values of AFCM and official teachings of the Catholic Church, with the majority decision of national core team.

AFCM Community Assistant Leader

148. The primary responsibility of an AFCM Community Assistant leader is to facilitate community leader in his/her duties and responsibilities.

To attend all ministerial meetings along with community leader.

To attend all ministerial meetings to represent community leader in his/her absence.

AFCM Community

149. An AFCM Community can have 3-12 individuals or families as community members.

150. Communities can have more than 12 members in special circumstances.

151. More than one AFCM community can function in one place.

152. Each AFCM community must have Community Leader and Assistant Community Leader.

153. Each community must gather either physically or virtually on every week for community prayer.

154. AFCM community prayer book must be used for community prayers.

155. Apart from prayers from AFCM prayer book, Praise and worship session, Word of God, study and sharing session etc... also may be included in the AFCM community weekly prayer gatherings.

156. A community register which explains the name and contact details of community members must be maintained in each AFCM community.

157. AFCM Communities can independently plan and organise evangelization programmes / retreats for the salvation of the souls.

158. Community members must always be cooperative and submissive to the community leader in works of evangelization for the salvation of the souls.

159. Community members shall help and support each other, in line with the core values of AFCM.

160. AFCM ministries generally discourages its members to involve in any partnership business, shared financial investments, chit funds etc. between community members.

(Please refer financial affairs section for more information)

AFCM Missions for other National and Ethnic Groups

161. AFCM missions for other national and ethnic groups has the following delegates

1. Co-Ordinator

2. Assistant Co-Ordinator

3. Core team

• Co-Ordinator and Assistant Co-Ordinator has to be selected from the respective ethnic mission.

• Selection of Co-Ordinator and assistant Co-Ordinator is done by AFCM Global core team in consultation with AFCM National Co-Ordinator

• Selection of core team is done by AFCM Global core team in consultation with AFCM National Co-Ordinator and Co-Ordinator for specific ethnic group.

• Appointment of Co-Ordinator, Assistant Co-Ordinator and core team for specific ethnic mission shall be finalised by AFCM Global Director.

Financial Affairs

162. AFCM ministries is not responsible / liable for any financial misconduct of any AFCM member, Community and Trusts.

AFCM is a missionary movement, hence AFCM ministry is unable to pay any salary, remuneration, T.A, D.A, and so on.

Each AFCM missionary must bear their expenses in relation to his/her ministerial activities.

AFCM communities are not allowed to collect any monthly contribution from its members or non-members.

AFCM communities can receive voluntary contribution / donations in relation to evangelization programmes / events conducted by AFCM communities.

AFCM communities are not allowed to receive any financial help / contribution / donations from individuals or organizations who are involved in un-ethical businesses - Gambling, Liquor / Drugs, Abortion clinics, Money laundering and so on.

AFCM communities and AFCM trusts must follow all government, banking and other Regulatory body’s regulations of each country, wherever they operate.

AFCM Disciplinary Procedure

163. AFCM National Co-Ordinator has the authority to take immediate action against any AFCM member or community until the decision of Global Director comes in case of any complaints and disputes.

AFCM Global Director can deal with any complaints within AFCM Ministry directly.

AFCM Global Director can appoint a disciplinary committee who deals with any complaints /disputes against any AFCM member/ AFCM community from time to time.

Decision taken by AFCM Global Director shall be final in this regards and nothing contrary to it will with stand.

Questions about AFCM

Who is the founder of this movement?

164. Holy Spirit anointed Fr. Xavier Khan Vattayil PDM, Fr.SojiOlikkal , Fr.BinoyKarimaruthinkal PDM , Sr. Aimy Emmanuel ASJM under the leadership of Mar Jacob Manathodath to preach Word of God and they went around preaching doing Deliverance Ministry all over the world . Holy Spirit touched thousands and thousands and they were all on fire to take up their duty in the Church. They wanted to dedicate themself for the building up the Church and for the work of evangelization. Gradually they were all organised into one platform as Anointing Fire Catholic Ministry (AFCM). Now Fr. Xavier Khan Vattayil serves as the founder director and Fr.Soji, Fr. Binoy, asco-founders under the leadership of Bishop Mar Jacob Manathodath.

Who is the patron of AFCM?

165. BishopMar Jacob Manathodath who is the patron of Preachers of Divine Mercy is also the common patron - Founder Patron of Anointing Fire Catholic Ministry. At the same time, respective Bishops will be the patrons in the respective dioceses.

What are AFCM Communities?

166. If a person becomes an AFCM member and is convinced about his/her call for doing service to God and for the Holy Catholic Church, he/she should then spend some months in rigorous prayer. As per the plan and by the will of God, ministries and people who are fit for that will be added. They will become one community who will align with that region and that country's coordinator and being obedient they will start the mission. A community should have a minimum of 3 families and maximum of 12 families. Based on the situation, the national coordinator can permit exceptions. The community members should gather either weekly or bi-weekly compulsorily. AFCM functions through AFCM missionary communities.

Where is the Central Office and who is the responsible person of AFCM in general?

167. The Central Office of AFCM is at Ruha Mount, Thavalam, Attapady,Kerala, India. Global director of AFCM and International Co ordinator will be the responsible persons of this office. The First international Co ordinator is Mr.Shibu Kurian.

AFCM Central Office
Ruha Mount
Thavalam P.O
Palakkad, Kerala
India - 678582
Email ID:
Web site:
Mobile Number: 00447554739560

Is Anointing Fire Catholic Ministry only for laity? Or can priests and nuns also work with AFCM?

168. Anointing Fire Catholic Ministry is a missionary movement for world evangelization. Priests, nuns, and laity work together. Priests and nuns can work with AFCM by being part of their own diocese and congregations. Example: Fr. Ryan from Pakistan, Fr. Jobitfrom Ireland andMgsr. Shawn from UK.

Does the members have any financial commitment to AFCM?

169. AFCM members are not at all bound by financial commitments. There is no system of giving tithe in any form, or membership fees. There is no financial commitment for AFCM in any form, tithe, membership fees, annual fees etc… They are free to do any financial help to spread the gospel.

Is AFCM a parallel Church?

170. No. It is not a parallel Church. It should not be. It is a missionary movement of faithful children of the church in the service of the church. You can learn more about this in the chapter,Ecclesial basis of AFCM.

What is the difference between AFCM and Sehion Ministries?

171. Sehion Ministries mostly centred on Sehion retreat centre and it is a diocesan Evangelization ministry under the diocese of Palakkad where as AFCM is a world Evangelization movement of PDM and ASJM.

What is the present position of AFCM? How many AFCM missionaries we have right now and where are they?

172. At present in 2019 we have around three thousand to five thousand AFCM Missionaries all over the world. They works in different communities in different countries like India, UK, USA, Canada, Australia, Pakistan, Slovakia, Ireland, Finland, Sweden, Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain, Germany, New Zealand, Oman, Saudi Arabia and Spain.

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